Why, yes yes, it has been a tad wet here this summer.
By all accounts we are in the midst of a La Niña event. In practical terms, from the point of view of people living on the east coast of Australia, that means it's been raining. And raining. And raining. And raining. And raining.
Here is the appalling proof that the weather is definitely worse than usual this year:

The person who is my mother's child recoils in horror and shame. The person who is a writer says, "Hm. Is there a story idea here?"
This is great! We can fry it up with half an onion and the rat I caught gthis morning while it was eating the three-week-old ham sandwich I'd been saving for cricket today!
I can make some milkshakes! I mean, it's not as though three week old milk ever hurt anyone!
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