
Dreaming Again — pre-order it now!

The second in Jack Dann's anthologies of Australian speculative fiction, Dreaming Again, is now available for pre-order from Amazon.

Why should you pre-order it? First, if you're Australian, it shows you want to support Australian writing. Second, if you love science fiction and fantasy, it shows you want to support and enjoy new, as well as established, talent (bunches of my Clarion buddies — students and tutors alike — got a spot in the anthology; I'm so proud *snif*). But most importantly, if you love the thrill of discovery and the smug feeling of being in on something good before everyone else is (and who doesn't feel that way at least sometimes? I was the first person I knew to wear a fleece jacket, and I still feel smug about it, twenty years later), this book will give you serious cred. Your buddies' jaws will drop in admiration at your coolness and prescience. You will be Alpha Geek, Über Geek, Geek of the Week.

Buy! Read (once it's released)!

And perhaps, like me, vow to make it into the next one....


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