Early this year, I wrote of some plans for beefing up my ability to effectively read/perform my writing:
I have a three-pronged attack strategy for this: read my stuff out loud to an audience at least four times this year, after having deliberately prepared and rehearsed; memorize a particular prose poem of mine that I (and others, I'm told) like, and prepare it for performance at a slam or slam-like event; and get some acting training.Here's how it went.
I did read my stuff out loud to an audience. I'm trying to remember exactly how many times. At least two for certain, as there were two performances of Passione Apassionata, a piece conceived by Bernard Leon consisting of staged Handel arias interspersed with some of my poems. It was a really fun piece, and my poems were well received, which was both a tremendous relief and very gratifying. I may have read on other occasions, but I honestly don't remember right now, as I'm still full of last night's Christmas dinner and feeling a distinct lack of motivation to do things like work hard to remember.
I did not memorize the prose poem. Perhaps I will this year. If it lasts for two minutes or so, I may use it to compete in a slam. (I'll be running a slam later this year, as far as I can plan things now, but you shouldn't compete in your own slam. Maybe I'll volunteer to be the sacrificial poet.)
I didn't get formal acting training, but I've now sat through hour after hour after hour of rehearsals for The Death of Albatross, and there are hours more to come. I learned a lot by watching the wholly impressive Chris Beckey direct the show, which is almost like getting training.
Not bad, overall. More yet to do.