
The next project — OPERA, my friends, OPERA!

I mentioned here in passing, while I was still recovering from the breathlessly marvellous adventure of getting The Death of Albatross produced in Sydney, that the next thing coming up was the premiere of two short operas on which my husband Houston and I have collaborated: "The Box" and "The Second Chance". They are tales of whimsy, regret, redemption, bittersweet humor, and magic (yes, actual magic, not just the "Oh, it was a magical afternoon of music and drama" — although we're hoping you'll think it's that, too). Observant friends will notice that there is another piece scheduled as part of the day's offerings, "Passione Appassionata", which will include poems by me! Moreover, there will be a meet-the-artists thing before each performance in which Houston and I (among others) will discuss the pieces and how they came to be. All for very small amounts of money!

Here's the information (click to biggify):

And here's Opera Prometheus's Facebook page. And here's their web site. If you're in or near Sydney that weekend, please attend!


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