
Overall, Albatross was a success. Yes, I think so.

The Death of Albatross was, if I do say it myself, a success. The four performances went off without a hitch, the in-house staff at the Seymour Centre couldn't have been more helpful, the audiences were very complimentary, and the actors were happy (moreover, I think that once the numbers are in, we will have covered our costs with a little bit left over to pay them) — no complaints! (If you missed it and are a little sad about that, go to the Albatross "like" page on Facebook and click "like" to be kept abreast of possible — dare I say, even probable — future productions.)

So, what have I gotten out of the experience? Experience, for one thing, which is something never to be scorned. I know a whole lot more than I did about how plays go from, as they say, page to stage. That makes me not only a better producer (in case I decide to produce any more of my own work, or anyone else's, for that matter), but a better playwright. The director and actors — in other words, the people who make a script into a live play — count on the playwright not to ask anything outrageously selfish or stupid (overly costly, for example, or relying on intensely fiddly lighting changes or blocking not possible within the bounds of physics as we know it). A good, respectful script goes a long way toward setting up the deep bonds of trust that are really what make the theatre magic happen, after all.

I also got a chance to work with some excellent actors and an excellent director. This was fun in itself, and it also added to the learning factor. And, judging from some of the feedback I got from audience members, I got the chance to tell a great story and get people involved and thinking. I also (and here's where I get a bit selfish) got the chance to feel all smug, like a real insider. I have always loved being on the backstage side of things. One of the things I enjoyed about my time as a reporter was the chance to get around behind the scenery and find out how things were actually being made to happen. And when you're producing a show, well, that's pretty much as backstage as it gets. I've also been enjoying feeling like a Real Arteest when I'm hanging around in the really cool club that the Fringe people have set up for the duration of the festivities (I'll take some photos to post next time I'm there, as I don't seem to find any on line that convey its awesomeness).

"So, Laura, what's next?" I hear you ask. "How will you prolong the buzz?" Funny you should ask. On November 26 and 27, Houston and I will be having two short operas being performed at Promfest, an event from those great folks at Opera Prometheus! I will also be reading some of my own poetry as part of another of the Promfest performances (if I get my literal act together, I may even be able to perform it from memory). After that, who knows?


At 9:56 PM, Blogger Satima Flavell said...

Congratulations, Laura! I'm glad it went well and that you gained from the experience. All the best for the other gigs, too!


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