Hi, How Can I Help You?

I'd like you all to rush to Sydney on at least one of the following dates: September 14, 18, 22, and/or 25. While you are there I would like you to make your way to the Greek Theatre in Marrickville and buy yourselves and all your friends and family tickets to the evening (or afternoon, in some cases) of hilarity and enlightenment that is Hi, How Can I Help You. It's a night of short plays about of all things customer service. Because, after all, in a post-industrial, service-economy society, who among us doesn't have nightmare tales of either being a customer or trying to help a customer (or both)?
My request has a particular urgency because my own short play "Hold" is in the lineup. I'd love to be noble and say "Don't let that sway you, go for the love of art and independent theatre." But whom are we kidding? I want you to see my show.
Here's the info. It's part of the Sydney Fringe, so you know it has to be good.
Looking forward to this!!!
Hey, 'HOLD' was great - well done, a brilliant night out : )
Thank you, Anonymous!
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