
Mild alarm

I have fewer than ten active sendouts at the moment. But, to my dismay, I realize I actually don't have many other pieces to send at the moment. The good thing about this is that it indicates that I've had a few sales. The bad thing is that it indicates just how unproductive I've been over the past few months. Not idle — never that. But unproductive. While there is a moral difference between the two, they result in the same thing: Laura languishes in obscurity.

This, then, is my very public pledge: by the end of September, I will COMPLETE at least the first drafts of three stories (emphasis on the COMPLETE), and I will do the world-building I promised myself I would do so that I could continue with the YA novel. I have spoken.


At 3:44 AM, Anonymous Luk Vaes said...

Does that mean that your little pep-talk at the end of last month hasn't helped you in the world-building business, Laura? O, how I admired you for your discipline, how I took it as an example to better my own situation! A good thing I pocrastinated too. Now I can take your position as an example once more and feel better once more. Thank you, Laura!

At 7:33 AM, Blogger Laura E. Goodin said...

Don't mention it....

At 3:32 PM, Anonymous Colleen said...

Well spoken! We have every faith in you.
I myself have vowed to finish the rough outline I started writing last year in Script Frenzy (since the prose version was going nowhere) ready for a prose draft in the next couple of months so I can work out whether to try to polish it for publishing... thus is my declaration!
Btw I'm happy to be a beta-reader if you like. (I'm one of many willing volunteers, I suspect!)

At 11:53 PM, Blogger Blair Goold said...

Write, Laura, write. Let it all hang out!

At 2:31 PM, Blogger Satima Flavell said...

Ok, I'll hold you to that!


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