"The Futurist" is out in Adbusters!
My emo story "The Futurist" appears in issue 82 of Adbusters magazine! You can buy it at left-leaning or generally politically geeky newsstands all over North America, and you can order it from their web site. (The web-site page for that issue is not yet updated, but I have actually held Issue 82 in my hands, and it does exist.)
I did not enjoy writing this story at all it was a Clarion story, and I spent each week at Clarion setting myself new challenges: write a story with huge infodumps and make them work; write a story that included issues that were painful for me personally; write a story that was dark and depressing instead of funny (or at least funny to me); etc. This was the dark and depressing story, and I hate both writing and reading dark and depressing stories. Opinion in the Crit Pit was divided, but one or two of my fellow Clarionites were very enthusiastic about its merits (hi, Lyn!), and so I started sending it out. And lo! A sale! For money! In a non-genre magazine!
In other news, many of you may know I'm a complete Grammar Daemon. If I ever happen to make a grammar mistake, my shame reaches abysmal depths. So I'm highly motivated to do it right. One of my most precious tools for this is the ability to diagram sentences, taught to me in seventh and eighth grade by Mrs. Heinz (as she was then known). The nuances of this skill have eroded over time, but the basics are still with me, and still help me understand sentences and write them clearly. So imagine my joy to see this:

Yes. It's the diagram of a piece of an Obama speech. I just stare at it in happy wonder. Here is the explanation, by the diagrammer himself.
Imagine my joy at both your joy and at viewing the diagram. My sentences are rarely elegant, but I do appreciate the form.
And I will be looking for the magazine tomorrow at Barnes and Noble, after seeing Slumdog Millionaire.
Make sure it's issue 82 -- I can't seem to find a table of contents in my copy and it would be distressingly easy to buy the wrong issue (sometimes editorial trendiness can be taken a trifle too far, sadly).
loved the diagramming! My teachers were nuns. Let's see, 6th grade was Sr. Carmela. I thought I know diagramming but this blew me away!
Three big cheers for the story! I'm going to look for it.
I made it to the library and found the Adbusters! I think I've read this story before - was it e-published? Provocative!! I tried to find anything on the Adbuster cover saying issue 82, but it seemed info-lite. I found your story by paging through from the back.
I think I may have emailed it to you at some point.
I really do think that not having a table of contents *is* taking things just a bit too far. But they bought my story, so I guess I shouldn't complain!
How much did they pay?
Don't know exactly; haven't gotten the check yet.
No prior agreement? That's strange! Will be interesting to read it though, can you link it when it’s up on the net?
I sure will.
Wow; your joy at this whole diagramming thing sure explains why youre so anal about - commas )
Congrats on the sale. :-)
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