Please welcome to the blogosphere...Margaret Dunleavy!

As You Like It, Act II Sc. 7
O worthy fool! his brain,
Which is as dry as the remainder biscuit
After a voyage, he hath strange places cramm'd
With observation, the which he vents
In mangled forms. O that I were a fool!
I am ambitious for a motley coat.
I would quite enjoy reading it!
Hi, Peter --
I had a chat with Margaret, and she'd feel more comfortable for now keeping her blog to people she knows personally. Thanks for understanding....
Happy birthday Margaret! The travelling Chandler clan forgot to send you a birthday card..(SOB!!) so here's a bunch of hugs and welcome to blogosphere - which we would love to read!!
What a lovely idea for a rite of passage! I wish Margaret lots of luck with her blog:-)
Happy Birthday Margaret!!!
If Margaret wouldn't mind I would like to read her blog. By the way the word verification was predunts. This must mean something.
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