
A big fangirl moment for me

Okay, this is good, y'all: the remarkable Steven Moffat, my WRITING IDOL, will be taking over Doctor Who for Season 5. I would pay significant amounts of money just to be in the same room as Steven Moffat for five minutes, and more money than that if he actually said anything during that five minutes. Imagine what I'd pay if I had the chance to ask him questions!

This probably isn't the first place you've heard this news; it's all over the geekier provinces of the Internet (and I also heard it from my friend Cathy, who is much better at keeping her ear to the ground about anything than I am, and also is a genius in the field of local (and national) political activism, which doesn't have a whole lot to do with Doctor Who, but is just one example of how cool she is).

No disrepect to you, Mr. Davies (because of course you're reading my blog). I think you've been an absolute hero for regenerating the series and making it a must-see. But...since you're moving on, could there be anyone better to take over? I...THINK...NOT!


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